Monday, January 25, 2010

A Valuable Lesson | A Piece Of Trash

I was walking to my car Friday evening. Leaving work after another week of meetings, concepting, re-concepting, re-re-concepting and the continuing of the normal weekly tasks. I found this "piece of trash"on my way to my car. I picked it up, it just reveled something to me. You never know where you will find inspiration. I could of walked by and not even noticed in a rush to relax for the weekend. But you've got to keep your eyes open at all times. Soak in the surroundings and gather information in that right part of your brain!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

from John at

There is a new, massive gym called “Lifetime Fitness” that we drive passed on the way to church every Sunday. And every weekend, there are hundreds of cars in the parking lot at 8 in the morning. The lot is about half full of people working on their abs instead of going to church. And every Sunday my wife and I say something judgmental like, “Would you just look at that? So many people not going to church.”

That’s not cool of us or good or very compassionate but I think it started when I was younger. Since my dad is a minister I grew up with Sunday mornings being very regimented. You went to church, that’s what you did on Sunday mornings. And I distinctly remember seeing people jogging as we drove to church and thinking,

“Know where you’re jogging to? Hell.”

OK, I didn’t think that exactly, I wasn’t that dark of a kid, but that’s essentially what I say when I judge people’s worship decisions.

I establish that my way is the right way. That Sunday morning is the only time to worship. That God is busy on Sunday nights playing ultimate frisbee with Joseph, the man with the technicolor throws, and night services just aren’t the same. That I am correct and you are wrong.

I hate that and it’s a work in progress. This Sunday if I see you walking into Lifetime Fitness to work on your “core,” I’m going to honk and wave and do my best not to think of a fiery lake. Baby steps Jon, baby steps.

MMA Commercial

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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