Tuesday, November 27, 2012

True Life Chiropractic Logo

Find a way to portray vitality and life not only through conventional chiropractic means but also through natural ways of diet and excercise.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lebanon Church of the Nazarene Logo

1. The mark is a cross made up of a 4 different “L” shapes. The “L” is for Lebanon. When two of the “L” shapes come together both at the top and bottom and on either side, they make up a representation of a person. This is a way to incorporate the strength of the cross and the promise He has for us as individuals. As a group we come together to make something bigger than ourselves.

2. The color scheme has traditional tones with the gray but also brings a sense of boldness with the orange background shape.

3. The font face brings a heavy traditional value to balance out the color of the background shape.
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